![]() In 2021, a few months before the publication of my book about prostitution in Mormon Utah, I published a short book about the Mormon Church’s Articles of Faith. Although I hadn’t been shy in writing about the Mormon Church, this effort lands more of a direct hit than my articles and other books. Finding it therefore a bit off-brand for me, I issued it under the pseudonym O. B. Sirius. “O. B.” is short for Obadiah Bogderry, a spooneristic play on Obadiah Dogberry, a pseudonym from Mormon history. But then I got to thinking. I said to myself, What brand? Who do you think you are? So, last week, I re-issued the book under my name. (Sorry about that, O. B.) It’s called Honest Chaste True Benevolent Yada Yada Yada: Wackadoodle beliefs the Mormon Church’s Articles of Faith are meant to hide. It’s funny and readable, but accurate. I painstakingly footnoted it for the benefit of any who might wonder if I was inventing or exaggerating Mormon doctrine and history. Both O. B. and I would be grateful if you’d read it and leave a review. Available on Amazon* by clicking here or on the image above. __________________ *If you have reservations about Amazon, I hear you. It’s what I have to work with.
![]() I’m not sure whether it has been by design or happenstance, but in recent months I have been consuming novels, history, and commentary by Black authors. Titles include His Name Is George Floyd, How to Be an Antiracist, The Bluest Eye, The Trees, Believing, and others. It has been eye-opening. Right now I’m one-third of the way through The 1619 Project. I cannot recommend it enough. Sadly, the people I wish most to read it won’t. Reasons will vary from understandable (too challenging for their reading level) to disheartening (their wells have been poisoned). For the former, there’s the audiobook. For the latter, maybe a few will set aside whatever they have been fed by their favorite media, politicians, and relatives and give the book a fair shot. Not that I’m holding my breath. ❖
Welcome to Cunoblog... where I share thoughts about writing. I don’t consider myself a writing authority, but that doesn’t keep me from presuming to blog like one. Oh, and I reserve the right to digress when I feel like it. |